Palm Oil is Life New Episode: European Misconception

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PALM OIL IS LIFE: EUROPEAN MISCONCEPTION  This is the new episode produced in our series on the positive impacts of palm oil on environmental sustainability and food security for billions of people. The video provides scientific facts and arguments that demolish the European environmentalists and health conscious fanatics ideologies.  Palm oil (PO) – see our dedicated page >>> – […]

Very Cheap Sustainability: How Ryanair Fools Consumers and Harm Developing Countries


Ryanair has introduced an innovative business model that has allowed millions of citizens to travel at a low cost inside of Europe. Their business model is to take advantage of every opportunity to make a profit, and the model risks – as reported by many judgments of the European authorities – abusing consumer rights with […]

A Better Future for Africa: How Sustainable Agriculture Supports SDGs

Father Trinchero who, in the heart of Central Africa, amidst hunger, misery and an on-going war against his work, points the way to prosperity and sustainability. Father Federico Trinchero, as we have already told, with the help of extensive palm oil plantations, is helping hundreds of African children create a sustainable and lasting economy. Vision […]

The EU Institutions Double Standard For Transparency

If you have ever looked into the past voting history of the European Commission and European Parliament you may have noticed there isn’t any public record. You cannot see past members or current members vote on different issues.  While the European Commission continues to demand more and more transparency from everyone else, they have made […]