Citizens Promote Sustainability through the Market


We, as citizens, promote sustainability in the perpetual search for greater prosperity and happiness. The market is not static. It constantly changes, adapting to social and environmental needs. Thus, through free enterprise, entrepreneurial citizens and managers of large companies have begun to invest time, effort, and resources in order to reduce the impact of human […]

Citizens Save Forests: How Palm Oil Plantations stop Deforestation

The Indonesian government’s sustainability policies are beginning to bear fruit. According to the latest data published by Global Forest Watch, the situation in Indonesia is clearly improving. Government’s policies have achieved tangible immediate results. Primary forest loss has fallen to its lowest level since 2003, continuing the promising decline started in 2016. Over the past […]

EU Agriculture Commission: Enough with the Hypocrisy on the Livestock Industry


Several MPs of the European Parliament Agriculture Commission have proposed to reduce subsidies for intensive agriculture and livestock farming. Finally. This reform, which must be firstly approved by the European Parliament before the end of the mandate, presents itself as a concrete measure to curb the livestock industry and (consequently ) the damages it causes […]

Spain: Anti Palm Oil Claims are Misleading


Trapa was wrong. So are all food companies using labels to discriminate palm oil for commercial purposes. We warned Spanish consumers a few weeks ago. We are now glad to notice that the Spanish Association for the Self-Regulation of Commercial Communication shares our view. The self-regulatory body of the advertising industry has stated that Trapa […]

Lidl’s Incoherence


Lidl own branded products sold in SWITZERLAND contain sustainable palm oil. Lidl acknowledges that palm oil is a high-quality ingredient whose supply chain is subject to stringent safety checks, attesting its sustainability. By doing so, Lidl contributes to: promoting environmental sustainability and biodiversity; fostering economic growth and job creation in developing areas of the world; protecting […]

Greenpeace Got It Right: Less Sustainable Palm Oil, Less Orangutans

palm oil

Finally, Greenpeace got it right: palm oil is the most sustainable supply chain. Demonizing it would be socially and environmentally counterproductive: NO PALM OIL = NO SDGs. Finally, Greenpeace understood that there is a war against palm oil, a war in which they have a role too. Finally, Greenpeace might decide to switch to the right side. Finally, […]