Science without scientific method: those bias against palm oil

scientific method

Through the scientific method, the problems of life are tackled experimentally in order to find always better solutions. According to a new study by Roberto Cazzolla Gatti, associate professor at Tomsk State University in Russia and Russian biologist Alena Velichevskaya, there is unequivocal evidence that the certification of palm oil does not guarantee “environmental sustainability”. […]

Anti-Palm Oil Claims Like a Virus around Europe

Like COVID-19 the anti-palm oil claims spread around Europe We warned you!!! Anti-Palm Oil Claims will penetrate Europe. Following the Italian path, the claim Palm Oil free is spreading throughout Europe, like a virus. Italian Food companies and retailers paved the way. They have massively used it in their commercial and marketing strategies: misleading consumers […]

Effects of Palm oil on the Environment; The Truth Behind the Lies

The claim “palm oil-free” aims to make the consumer believe that they are buying a more sustainable product. But is it true? To verify this, we analyzed several authoritative independent scientific studies commissioned by international bodies, governments, and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), to measure the sustainability of some of the vegetable oils most often used […]

How To Control Immigration: A Story From Africa

Sustainable agriculture is the best tool to defeat poverty and slow down immigration. Sustainable palm oil plantations help promote economic and social development and environmental sustainability. In the heart of Africa, more precisely in the Central African Republic, the Piedmontese priest Federico Trinchero leads a project that employs 500 young people, taking them away from armed groups, in the production […]