Anti-Palm Oil Claims Like a Virus around Europe

Like COVID-19 the anti-palm oil claims spread around Europe We warned you!!! Anti-Palm Oil Claims will penetrate Europe. Following the Italian path, the claim Palm Oil free is spreading throughout Europe, like a virus. Italian Food companies and retailers paved the way. They have massively used it in their commercial and marketing strategies: misleading consumers […]

A New Clown in Town: The New Farce of Food Certification

olio di palma

In Europe, the absence of legislation that protect consumers is now favoring the speculation of fake food certifications: the case of the “free from palm oil” claim. FAKE-STICKERS   The International Palm Oil Free Certification Trademark Program (POFCAP) is the new clown in town. They would like to deceive European consumers with an alleged sticker […]

Citizens’ Victory: Indonesia Stands Against “Free From” Claims Too

After Turkey and the USA, Indonesia bans the “free from palm oil” claim. Several other countries are considering intervening in this regard. Unfortunately, In Europe, Competition Authorities turn their heads the other way, escaping their responsibility towards citizens. In Indonesia, consumers’ rights are more considered than in Europe. The Government of Jakarta has banned the […]

Another Fake News Has Been Debunked: Orangutan Population Is Increasing

Palm oil

A new study produced by the WWF (researchers Simon, Davies, and Ancrenaz) confirms our most recent arguments: sustainable agriculture is the best tool to preserve biodiversity in the tropical forest while promoting productivity and economic development. The results of the study show once again that it is through business investment and citizen participation that production chains become more sustainable. According to the study, the orangutan population in […]