Anti-Palm Oil Claims Like a Virus around Europe

Like COVID-19 the anti-palm oil claims spread around Europe We warned you!!! Anti-Palm Oil Claims will penetrate Europe. Following the Italian path, the claim Palm Oil free is spreading throughout Europe, like a virus. Italian Food companies and retailers paved the way. They have massively used it in their commercial and marketing strategies: misleading consumers […]

Sustainable Diet: what the Eat-Lancet tells us

Sustainable Diet Today, food owns a new role as we are approaching an increasing consumer and health-conscious world. That is to improve the well-being of man and environmental sustainability. For this reason, the Eat-Lancet Commission developed the “Food in the Anthropocene: the eat-Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems“, an interdisciplinary study focusing […]

EESC: European Hypocrisy

EESC european Hypocrisy for free choice

EESC: European Hypocrisy  The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) requires EU guidelines against sugar and palm oil, because they are supposedly among the main causes of obesity. If that is the case, then why doesn’t the EESC also suggest guidelines for the correct use of PlayStations, TV series and sofas at home? The Europe of the bureaucrats and the enemies of […]

Developing Countries Will Pay the Bill for Our Environmentalism

The environment needs to be saved – but not at the cost of developing nations  For those who can afford to have a smart thermostat, which regulates the temperature based on outside temperatures, it is a great convenience. But it has a cost. Environmental protection and development are undoubtedly just and noble causes but they […]

A Call To The EU Commission And NGOs This New Study Demolishes Fake News On Palm Oil

The new comparative study Free-from Palm Oil, but more saturates and less sustainable shows that the claim “Free-from palm oil” is highly deceiving for the consumer. READ THE SUMMARY OF THE RESEARCH The label “Free-from Palm Oil” is used to convince the consumer that food products without palm oil not only have a healthier nutritional profile […]

European Election: Change the EU Vaping Regulation

Vaping products today stand as one of the most promising alternatives to tobacco. Many studies show that not only are vaping products more effective in helping smokers quit than other techniques, they are also increasing the number of smokers who try and quit. In addition, scientific evidence so far shows that they have significantly reduced […]